Far cry primal pc metacritic
Far cry primal pc metacritic

far cry primal pc metacritic

The Udam boss was no problem but with her it was just attack, take out reinforcements, repeat, to the point where you have hardly any resources left to make weapons. I've replayed this game twice and I now don't even bother with her because it's not fun for me. Only problem was the Izala final boss was a pain in the butt to kill. The environment design was brilliant, I almost never got stuck wandering around the base of a hill with no way up, there are slopes and grappling hook points everywhere. I love the constant search for crafting materials, I like the enemy tribe design, I loved being able to tame animals to accompany you and scare off enemies, the owl was awesome for taking over outposts and bonfires without even setting foot in them. I had no intention of playing it because I was used to using an assault rifle in FC4 but then I saw a glowing review on Good Game and gave it a chance.

far cry primal pc metacritic

I love the constant search for crafting materials, I like the enemy tribe design, I loved being able to tame animals to accompany you and scare off enemies, the owl was awesome for taking over outposts and I absolutely loved this game. Anyway, all in all, GREAT so far! Get it, play it, enjoy it! Right now I'd say it's an 8.5/10 and if the story turns out to be good: 9/10. Everything from the crackling of wood as it burns, to the sounds of birds in the not-so-far distance, to the cry of a lone wolf in the far distance, to the sound of wild dogs gnawing on a fresh kill just brings you into the world and keeps you there. It is completely immersive and makes me feel like I am indeed right in the middle of the wilds during the stone age. Finally, one of the most impressive aspects of the game for me so far is the use of sounds. Building a village and raising a population also feels highly rewarding becuase as the population grows and the village becomes more complex, they will actually work for you and produce much needed goods that translate to weapon upgrades and items. Crafting has been heavily refined from Far Cry 4 and it feels far more useful this time around. They aren't terrribly smart, but they ARE cavemen, so it works with the immersion. The AI is spot on for the cavemen (Udam) as well. It adds an element of "holy crap, run" to the game. I also appreciate that there are some animals you just don't mess with right away or you WILL die. I already tamed a dire wolf and commanding him to kill an unwitting Udam is just a blast. Getting an animal companion is fun as well. The game seems to focus heavily on hunting, at least so far, and that's fun to me.

#Far cry primal pc metacritic upgrade#

The graphics look good, a small upgrade over Far Cry 4, and for those with monitors in a 16:10 ratio, GOOD NEWS: they FINALLY support it correctly - no more black bars at the top and bottom! From a gameplay perspective controls feel smooth, combat is tight, and the mission setup is very good.

far cry primal pc metacritic

The graphics look good, a small upgrade over Far Cry 4, and for those with monitors in a 16:10 ratio, GOOD NEWS: they FINALLY support it correctly - no more black bars at the top and bottom! Far Cry: Primal is AWESOME so far! Firstly, from a technical point of view, the game is running great: a steady 60 FPS with no dips on a 970 (and on my other rig with a Titan X) at ultra preset. Far Cry: Primal is AWESOME so far! Firstly, from a technical point of view, the game is running great: a steady 60 FPS with no dips on a 970 (and on my other rig with a Titan X) at ultra preset.

Far cry primal pc metacritic